Legal Notice Château-Bizard


Legal notices wine producer

Company name : Château-Bizard
Legal form : GFA
Address : 460, Chemin de Bizard 26780 Allan

Activity (Code NAF ou APE) : Producer harvesting
Creation date: 21-03-1989
Siret : 349 851 642 000 26
Share capital : 1 000 000 €

Website editing

Website created by Agence Kocka

Chemin des Landes du Camp - 72230 Ruaudin

The Kocka web agency, located in Le Mans in Sarthe, manages the creation of a website for a wine-growing domain specialising in the sale of exceptional winesred wines, white wines, rosé wines, liqueurs, ...

Image credit : ©Château-Bizard ; ©Adobe Stock - All rights reserved

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